Sunday, June 24, 2012

Eric Whitacre

Wikipedia (1970-present) [US. Modern.]
If you're just gonna listen to one: A Boy and a Girl (Polyphony)
[Or two: Water Night (Polyphony) - this piece is broken into up to 14 voice parts at times... Well, actually just once, but it's a very lush chord about halfway through the song.]


Eric Whitacre and I graduated from college in the same year. So he's youngish, at least compared to the other people I've written about in this blog. He's written music for wind ensembles (most recorded: Ghost Train), but it's his choral music that gets the most attention and performance.

Choral Music

Sleep (Polyphony)
Cloudburst (VocalEssence & St. Olaf Choir)
Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine (University of Santo Thomas Singers)
Nox Arumque (VocalEssence & St. Olaf Choir)

Whitacre is probably most known for his creation of the Virtual Choir. He has done three of his own compositions with virtual choirs, and the project has grown with each iteration. Here are the Virtual Choir renditions of those songs:

VC1: Lux Arumque - 185 voices, 12 countries
VC2: Sleep - 2,052 voices, 58 countries
VC3: Water Night - 3,746 voices, 73 countries

Whitacre was also featured in a TedTalk about his Virtual Choir project...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Duarte Lôbo

Wikipedia (1565-1646) [Portugese. Renaissance.]
If you're just gonna listen to one: Ars Nov


There's not much information on Lôbo (much of his biographical information and body of compositions was lost in a large earthquake in 1755); he was a very successful musician and composer during his time, holding the most prestigious musical position in Portugal. He was one of the leaders of the polyphonic style, and was influenced by the work of Palestrina.

There's not much else to say -- this music is so beautiful and relaxing, though, and speaks for itself.

Choral Music

Pater Peccavi
Audivi Vocem de Caelo

Lobo wrote two Requiems - one for six voices, and one for 8 voices.

Requiem (6v) Introitus | Kyrie
Missa Vox Clamantis: Kyrie & Gloria | Sanctus & BenedictusAngus

The Tallis Scholars recorded the two pieces listed above back in 2002. There are few recordings of his music; this one is amazing.